On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:02:56 -0400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Coggeshall) wrote:

> On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 09:40 +0200, Marcus Boerger wrote:
> > A single alpha released pecl extension has a problem, well that imo
> > is not that bad conflict and can be solved before it is being
> > released.
> I wonder if The Perl guys check every single CPAN extension before
> introducing a new keyword or identifier... you know, just in case...

It is not about checking every project out there but how to deal with
the new classes, planed or not.

There was not clear policy about that and we still don't have one.
"They" are choosing to rename it, fine. But we still have to discuss
once and for all what to do with all new classes and how to inform our

We also have to discuss how to avoid such events to happen again.

-- Pierre

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