> > In either of the above cases, you specify where a function belongs, both
> > where it's defined, and where it's used (either through full
> > or a shorter one, using "import"). I'm not arguing for a function to
> > "magically" become a part of a class/module/whatever, if you thought so
> >
> Then the question is how do you think this function would be used?

That's a very good question... One "simple" answer would be to have one file
per function, and have it work like typical class autoloaders. However, that
could be too much overhead (on many levels), having a lot of small files,
that conceptually belong together.

Maybe function autoloading isn't such an obvious feature, after all (which
was one reason for bringing it up - getting the pros and cons of it. By the
way, I've now also read in on the archive of this and the other issues
having been mentioned in this thread, such as namespaces).



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