On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 08:29 +0000, Lester Caine wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 04:54 +0000, Lester Caine wrote:
> >> Richard Lynch wrote:
> >>> On Sat, December 16, 2006 7:03 am, Lester Caine wrote:
> >>>> Of cause many of us never go near the raw database calls anyway, since
> >>>> we are using frameworks that carry out lot of the security checks at a
> >>>> generic level - so I see little point adding more checks at a level
> >>>> that
> >>>> major projects do not use anyway?
> >>> Because some of us don't use the bloated frameworks, often because
> >>> those who develop the bloated frameworks didn't do filtering properly,
> >>> perhaps because they didn't have a taint mode to notify them that they
> >>> were writing sub-standard code.
> >>> :-) :-) :-)
> >> The annoying thing is that PHP seems to be becoming the bloatware. PHP4, 
> >> PHP5 incompatible versions, PHP6. Perhaps it would be nice to have a 
> >> PHPLite that we can work with and add just the bits we need rather than 
> >> having to manage updates which on the main add nothing to the 
> >> functionality that we are actually using? 
> > 
> > Go for it. Compile your own. Mod the source code. This is the power of
> > open source.
> If I only had to support my own servers .....
> The problem is ISP's keep uploading the latest official releases and 
> then we have to fix the faults fast :(
> PHP is a *SERVICE* that other people use and that service keeps getting 
> broken - saying "Build your own" has no relevance what so ever :(
> Heck this is why PHP4 will never die - and I never used that.

Major versions though do not traditionally have a mandate of backward
compatibility. This is why PHP4 still receives bug/security fixes. PHP5
is a leap forward, and while I'll admit that I'm not keen on some of
it's OOP adoptions I would never expect it to work 100% with PHP4. At
some point for advancement, one needs to discard compatibility so the
appropriate steps forward can be made... that is the purpose of a major
version change.

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