On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 13:15 -0700, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> > I've been thinking about this on and off today too.
> > Something along the lines of the following is more in the PHP spirit:
> > 
> > $ver = phpversion();
> > $fancyVer = function () { lexical $ver; return "PHP $ver"; };
> > 
> > Where "lexical" is a keyword that means "inherit this variable from the 
> > current lexical scope".  I'm not suggesting that this is a good name for 
> > the keyword, it's just something that springs to mind.
> How this is going to work? Variables are not interpreted by the compiler 
> now...
> > So, given some way to explicitly reference the scope where the function 
> > was "defined", what happens when you call $fancyVer after that scope has 
> > gone away:
> Exactly! That's why it is hard to do closures in PHP :)

What about just having a function that allows retrieving variables from
the parent scope?

    mixed seek_var( $name [, $levels=1, [ $startLevel=0 ] ] )

    Returns the the value of the variable with name $name in the
    current of parent lexical scopes. By default the seek will
    only search for the variable in the current and immediate
    parent scopes but this can be tailored to meet any particular
    need including searching to the top by setting $levels to -1.
    Additionally by setting $startLevel greater than 0, the
    search can be confined to scopes outside of the current
    lexical scope. If the request variable is not found then
    E_NOTICE is generated and null is returned.

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