This sounds handy.

At least it's possible to use inside XML documents and are easy to use as <?=...

The topic discussion is about ASP tags. IMHO, they are useless and
just contribute to programmers write non-standards code. They  should
be dropped.

On the other hand, I usually don't like short tags because of XML
compliant code. I have them disabled in all environments I develop.
But I still believe that a quick way to write content, without messing
XML documents is a great feature. So, if you plan to support something
like this, I think it's a nice addiction to PHP, as long as it do not
stay in the short tags scope.

Personally I use a "e" function to do the task. So... I write this:
<?php e("Something"); ?> that is shorter thans echo. But <?echo is
quickier and simpler than my approach. =)

Best regards,

On 4/14/07, Marcus Boerger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Guilherme,

  "<?=" is also not confirm toxml spec. What we could do is "<?echo".

best regards

Saturday, April 14, 2007, 6:01:37 PM, you wrote:

> If you plan to go far and remove the <? tags, so I suggest to include
> a <?php=$something?> into PHP.

> Best regards,

> On 4/14/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bart de Boer wrote:
>> > I think ASP tags should go too... Simply because it's not standards
>> > compliant and I think it's good if people are forced to make nice
>> > standards compliant documents... I'd even go so far as to favor dropping
>> > short tags too...
>> >
>> > <? echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"; ?>
>> >
>> > What a mess!...
>> I agree, but I do like the <?= tag. Personally I would like to see short
>> tags dropped but retain support for <?= as it makes templates a lot
>> easier to read, i.e. <?=$var?> against <?php print $var; ?>.
>> -Stut

Best regards,

Guilherme Blanco - Web Developer
CBC - Certified Bindows Consultant
Cell Phone: +55 (16) 9166-6902
São Carlos - SP/Brazil

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