
Nice to be able to do this directly without resorting to call_user_func().


Etienne Kneuss wrote:
> Hi,
> I've already proposed that 1-2 months ago, but now seems to be a good
> time to discuss new things, so let's try again:
> I believe it would be nice to be able to dynamically reference static
> members, constants, and methods.
> Currently, there is no way to do that and the only way would be to
> create a static method and use call_user_func(array($classname,
> 'getThat'));
> In other words:
> class A {
>     public static $foo = 'value1';
>     const  gee = 'value2';
>     public static function bar() { return 'value3'; }
>     // old way:
>     public static function getFoo() { return self::$foo; }
>     public static function getGee() { return self::gee; }
> }
> $classname = 'A';
> echo $classname::$foo;  // value1
> echo $classname::gee;   // value2
> echo $classname::bar(); // value3
> // --- instead of: ---
> $classname = 'A';
> echo call_user_func(array($classname, 'getFoo')); // value1
> echo call_user_func(array($classname, 'getGee')); // value2
> echo call_user_func(array($classname, 'bar'));    // value3
> which is quite slow.
> Please take a look at the patch[1] I made for it. Comments would be
> appreciated!
> Regards,
> 1: http://patches.colder.ch/Zend/dynamic-static-calls.patch?markup

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