I do not know if this post made it to the list a while ago. No one answered and i see I used the wrong account to send it. Please forgive me if this is a redundant re-post.

This is a suggestion I think would not be too hard to implement:

Skip libc for all random functions. As I see it there is no reason to keep it. I can't think of any application that would break if rand() would produce better random results at a higher speed.

So basically what I am saying is this: Implement the mersenne twister in the back of all random functions.

1. Make rand() an alias to mt_rand()
2. Make srand() an alias to mt_srand() (And since they are redundant give an E_STRICT?)
3. Make getrandmax() an alias to mt_getrandmax()
4. Have array_rand() implement MT in the back (if it is not doing so already)

Lars Gunther

P.S. For an introduction to who I am one might read:
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