> So what happened to the "Open" in "OpenSource" or is PHP now something
> else now?
> btw. 95% of Zend users propably don't need unicode but there are a lot
> more people out there who can't really use PHP right now since it
> doesn't have full unicode support. The percents pulled out of sleeve
> would be rather the opposite with all japanese/chinese/etc. asian
> countries included.. ;)

PHP supports Japanese since 4.0.6. Chinese is supported since 4.3.0. Text
length evaluation, case insensitive strings, substr should work. What else
do you need in PHP scripts for "full unicode support" in CJK languages?
Reading symbols with $string[$position]? The ones that do such things are
not your normal users and this can be done with mb_substr. Want to make
sure that CJK support is corified? What is wrong with requiring mbstring

If you go "think about users" path, then remember that PHP does not work
for 110 millions of Turks, Kurds and Azerbaijani in Mid East. Bug was
closed with "Won't fix" and locale insensitive tolower()|toupper()
functions take less than 10 lines in C. I am not C programmer. My tests
show that if I change zend_tolower() to work in locale insensitive way,
strtolower() remains locale sensitive and class_exists and case
insensitive method names do not fail.


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