Derick Rethans skrev:
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Keryx Web wrote:

3. Will it accept formatting according to date() or strftime() syntax?

date(), but with some additions of course. How, I still need to work out.

Is that set in stone? Most non-english application developers are probably more familiar with the strftime syntax, as we tend to use that function 90 % of the time.

Personally I also find that syntax more appealing:

echo date('\T\o\d\a\y \i\t \i\s l \a\n\d \t\h\e \c\l\o\c\k \i\s H:i');

echo strftime('Today it is %a and the clock is %H:%M');

Lars Gunther

Who, btw, prefers date-syntax to not having this function at all...

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