Well this is very common with PHP, it's very flexible and it's easy for
a bad programmer to create chaotic code and get away with it, but this
can happen with many features of PHP. For serious developers however,

Right. This is why I don't think it's a good idea to add one more feature with very high potential for abuse. Code that changes behaviour of unrelated other code is usually very bad idea - think about what happens if some of your functions somewhere among 10K lines of code used $cfg as local variable and then you added $cfg as superglobal.

them. No point in holding stuff back from people who could benefit from
it just to protect inexperienced them from their own sloppiness. You
know what I mean?

Yes, there is a point in not implementing features that would promote bad coding and unnecessary surprises for the users. Especially when the same function can be achieved with existing functionality in a much better way.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
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