On 04.12.2007 18:31, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> You may be right longer term but shorter term I still believe there may be 
> stability issues with this patch some of which we haven't figured out. 
> Although we did testing and found crash bugs I wouldn't trust our level of 
> testing to deem it stable. If we go down the route of always on we could have 
> a hidden ini file (not listed in php.ini-dist and phpinfo()) which we can 
> advise to turn off if something goes wrong and once we can enough confidence 
> that there aren't any lurking bugs we could remove it.

You mean provide an ini setting to be able to turn it Off?
But why do you call it "always On" then?
And what's the difference comparing to what you've proposed earlier?

Concerning the stability issues, I'd say we have quite good chance 
to make it stable enough, as (I hope) 5.3.0 is not going to be released 
for at least several months more.

Companies that are especially concerned of performance/stability 
are encouraged to step forward and give us a hand.

Antony Dovgal

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