On 12/7/07, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, an easy way to handle this functionality that is safe to use with
> user input would be REALLY nice.
> Specifically for allowing users to specify custom formulas to do all
> sorts of nifty stuff. Especially in reporting and payroll/commission
> applications.
> We're currently working on a reporting class where we would like the
> user to able to specify custom columns in XML, ie:
> $col5 = ($col1 / $col2) * ($col3 / $col4)
> Or in our payroll application where customers want to calculate custom
> commissions for sales people:
> $commission = ($gross_sales - $gross_pay - $medical_benefits -
> $chargebacks) * $employee_commission_bracket

In this case, you might find embedding usableā€¦


Alexey Zakhlestin

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