BTW the interesting fact that during Derick's test GC cycle collector was automatically run 124 times and it collected 2,388,399 zvals.

So it really works! :)


Dmitry Stogov wrote:
Hi Derick,

You test are enormous, but than you anyway. :)
I've found and fixed the problem.

Now your test suite is passed with the following results:

PHP_5_3: Tests: 7706, Failures: 45, Errors: 807, Skipped: 347

With GC: Tests: 7706, Failures: 45, Errors: 804, Skipped: 347

I've no idea why GC fixes three tests. (I can send you logs if you like)

Thanks. Dmitry.

Derick Rethans wrote:
On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Dmitry Stogov wrote:

all your tests passed for me yesterday with memory_limit=1G.
May be it's some fresh non GC related bug :)
Try the same test with -dzend.enable_gc=0 and with unpatched PHP.

I would very interested in this "bad" test case, if it's really related to GC.

I tried to run it, but unfortunately my machine ran out of memory before it (that includes a full swapspace). I'd need access to a machine which has more memory than I have for this (4gb minimal). If you have such a machine, perhaps you can try yourself? Instead of running just the Template tests, I ran all of them:

~/dev/php/php-5.3dev-gc/sapi/cli/php -dzend.enable_gc=1 UnitTest/src/runtests.php -c /home/httpd/html/report -D sqlite://:memory:

For -c to work, you will need xdebug installed though - I tried without but got the same issue.


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