2008/1/10, Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Besides the issues listed by Derick, there is two problems with these
> choices (distro making design changes to upstream software).
> Please don't add the timezone to the list
> of troubles.

The vast mayority of PHP users obtain it via their OS vendor, isnt
that enough reason to make their life easier just providing an
alternative ?

We sometimes have to do those "design changes" because the original
behaviuor is simple not suitable.

> If distros start to use the
> system timezone

Distros use system timezonedb for %99 of the other components(some of
them far more critical than PHP) , why PHP has to be special ?

> I'm sure we will see very old databases on many
> servers in a couple of years.

yes but PHP nor the distro makers are to be blamed for that, because
distros **do** update
the system tzdb regulary otherwise you have literally gazillions of
components that will return out-of-date information.


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