On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 10:09 -0500, Elizabeth M Smith wrote:
> Wow, you guys sure are a bit harsh ....
> Here's the problem - there's a group of people who really want true (I
> might say "javaish") type-hints for scalar values - int, bool, string,
> float, and won't settle for anything less.
> There's a group who thinks type hints are stupid because of the way php
> does type juggling - and since most of these people have karma their
> votes "count more".
> There's a group who just want some kind of type hinting completion for
> the current implementation - whether it's "meta types" like resource,
> object, array, scalar, or the more "javaish" int, bool, string, etc.
> They'll settle for the lesser implementation in order to placate the
> "votes count more" group who thinks type hints violate php type juggling
> just so they can have SOMETHING.

Right, basically we're willing to compromise. I have listened to the
anti type hinting people, and can understand where they're coming from.
I'm proposing this as a solution that agrees with both of our
philosophies on type hinting.

> I think people in the first group having a verbal fit at those who fall
> into the last group because they want "all or nothing" is counterproductive.
> The conversation that needs to take place should be between the "type
> hints are stupid" people and the "type hints are useful" people, all
> this whining about "all or nothing" doesn't help the essential conversation.

> I've already stated my opinion on the subject.  I'd like something - I'd
> prefer the string, int, bool, float route but would settle for a scalar,
> resource, object implementation as well.  As long as I'm dreaming - both
> would be very useful.  But there's already been a "vote" so unless minds
> can be changed this is nothing more than mailing list traffic ;)

The vote was on int/float/string/bool. The only reason I brought this
back up is that I am now proposing scalar only. The most compelling
arguments that were made against having int/float/string/bool type
hinting do not apply to a scalar only type hint, I think more people
will agree with me now.

Scalar is better than nothing. It gives me some of the type hinting I
want, while still fully complying with PHP's type juggling nature.

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