Chris Stockton wrote:
When I think INI I think constants. What happens when I log into some
server I have to debug some app instance and one of the first things I
might do is check the INI and I see.

[IF ${value} == 1]
 setting = 1
[ELIF ${value} == 2]
 [IF ${valuex} == 1]
 setting = 1
 [ELIF ${valuex} == 2]
   settingx = ${valuexc?1: ${valuexcl?1:2}}
 setting = 3

What is setting and settingx? Do I have to debug within the app with
ini_get? Or can I dump the ini values very easily somewhere, I guess
php_info() maybe?I won't deny it could be useful specially for
cross-platform  cross-version INI setup, but it just won't feel like a
configuration file anymore is all. I almost think you should just
allow PHP tags lol..


any chance of keeping this functionality out of the ini files either by:
extended config files (like apache conf's), or changing to either an apache style conf/xml file to support if's; or indeed YAML just to jump on the YAML bandwagon, (use it as a prototype for future php yaml support?)

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