On 19.02.2008, at 00:22, clynx wrote:

I have thought about a new feature for some days now. The initial plan was to create a new keyword "deprecated" which should simply trigger a warning when the right error level was set. This could have been combined with the E_DEPRECATED level from 5.3 (maybe, otherwise E_STRICT).

The goal was to have a possibility for PHP projects to mark some functions, classes or methods as no longer recommend to use. The first step would be to set this new keyword, and after some releases the developers could remove this item. Just as it is handled in PHP itself. I know that there is a phpDoc property for this, but when you execute your code you'll never realize that.

Well the topic of annotations is a big one in its own right. However once we have E_DEPRECATED you can at least use trigger_error() to get your desired effect.


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