Hi Jochem,

Am Mittwoch, den 20.02.2008, 01:20 +0100 schrieb Jochem Maas:
> that sounds more than reasonable, but it might be worth offering an
> aid to developers during the compile time phase, with regard to the
> 'link' between a trait and an interface (assuming you would agree that
> it's not unlikely that the two would be used in tandem on occasion)
> without imposing/implying anything at run time (i.e. a trait may
> implement an interface to ensure correctness but that has no effect on
> any class that uses it, classes must explicitly state it's intention
> to implement an interface)

I totally understand what you are trying to outline but I have the
feeling that it would introduce a huge amount of complexity without
adequate benefits. But that's of course just my opinion.

cu, Lars
Lars Strojny
Senior Software Developer MediaVentures GmbH (http://mediaventures.de)

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