Hello all,

Let me briefly pick on poor David's (unfortunately I could have picked any number of posts on any given day just as well) recent emails [1] [2]: they are prima example of very bad quoting. Again I do not expect everybody to read through the mailinglist README [3] from cover to cover. Especially not the linked RFC [4]. However if you do not at least skim over it, please use some common sense. Every millisecond spend making your post high quality will probably safe hours on a global scale.

Thank you and I will try not to o too crazy with posts like this. I might come up with one every few months if things get out of hand too much. But hopefully the current posters will educate all future posters indirectly by being role models :)

Sorry for the noise ..


[1] http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=120369441121012&w=2
[2] http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=120369445521127&w=2
[3] http://ch2.php.net/reST/php-src/README.MAILINGLIST_RULES
[4] http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html

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