
Ok so we have a wiki up and running at wiki.php.net. It is integrated with master.php.net, so you can use your cvs password to login. Pierre and I are currently the only ones with admin accounts, but aside from administration of ACL's etc anyone with a CVS based login can create, edit, upload and delete.

I still need to configure the wiki. For example we might want to allow self registration, so that people can get an account to write an RFC without any manual intervention. This is actually the first dokuwiki I am admining, so anyone with more experience let me know if you feel that a certain plugin should be installed or soem switch should be flipped.

However note that we will have to learn a bit how the best process is for all things. I want to keep this process open, but its not really something that needs to be discussed on this list. Please use [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead.


PS: I hope that I will have 1-2 hours to work on the wiki tonight. As part of that I will also publish my todo list for the wiki so that others can help out and commit the code to the new php-wiki-web cvs module.

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