
I have finally managed to get php to compile for windows (yippee for me).

So I can now try and get mail() working again.

The issue is that in  ext/standard/mail.c (/* $Id: mail.c,v 2007/12/31 07:17:15 sebastian Exp $ */), line 197,
the test of ...

if (!sendmail_path)

always evaluates to false when there is no sendmail_path which would
be the case on windows.

The next line differentiates between processing for windows/netware
and everything else.

If the test is

if(0 == strlen(sendmail_path))

then that would work.

The INI_STR call in Line 194 always returns a string if the directive
is known (doesn't need to be set, just has to exist as a directive).

So, I've attached a patch which I have compiled and tested on Windows.

This is in relation to bug http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43348

Index: mail.c
RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/standard/mail.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1. mail.c
--- mail.c      31 Dec 2007 07:17:15 -0000
+++ mail.c      17 Apr 2008 14:40:33 -0000
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
        char *sendmail_path = INI_STR("sendmail_path");
        char *sendmail_cmd = NULL;

-       if (!sendmail_path) {
+       if (0 == strlen(sendmail_path)) {
 #if (defined PHP_WIN32 || defined NETWARE)
                /* handle old style win smtp sending */
                if (TSendMail(INI_STR("SMTP"), &tsm_err, &tsm_errmsg, headers,
subject, to, message, NULL, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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