> -----Original Message-----
> From: Piotr Czachur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 23 April 2008 12:36
> To: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] Unable to unit test code containing 
> *_uploaded_file()
> Hello!
> I use PHPUnit for unit testing of my application (but this 
> issue is independent of PHPUnit). Tests are run from command 
> line so it's not way (that I can imagine) to simulate file 
> upload, because app code uses is_uploaded_file() to check if 
> file was really uploaded.
> In my opionion some functions for simulation of file upload 
> in command line script would be very handy for unit testing.
> What I mean is adding a function or a set of functions for 
> setting file upload, for example:
> do_file_upload( upload_params, upload data).
> This function would be for use only in testing code, so there 
> would be no need to change existing application code to add 
> unit tests, and what's more important it would not leak to 
> security risk.
> Regards,
> Piotr Czachur

As of 1.0.1, SimpleTest's WebTester can upload files, I believe.


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