Hi all,

This patch...  Saves one opcode per interpolated string by moving what was
the first ADD_STRING/ADD_VAR op into INIT_STRING; changes the
ADD_[CHAR|STRING|VAR] op types from (TMP, <whatever>) to (<whatever>,
UNUSED), since that seems to make more sense (see ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT) and
simplifies things a bit, and saves some znode copying while compiling.

Next, after nowdoc support was added, I noticed it was mostly duplicate
heredoc code in the scanner, so I combined them for the most part, removing
the NOWDOC tokens, etc.  Is that OK?  It seems like they may have just been
there for the parser... but I updated the parser so that static heredocs
also work like nowdocs.  Also removed the ST_START_[HEREDOC|NOWDOC] states
in the scanner, by doing their work (to catch immediate ending label) in the
initial heredoc rule.

While removing the NOWDOC references from zend_highlight.c, I made a little
change that I think improves (err... adds) highlighting of variables in
double-quoted strings, and makes literal text in heredocs/backticks the
correct "highlight_string" color.  This makes coloring consistent across all
strings. :-)  Before/after example: http://realplain.com/php/highlight.html

Speaking of backticks, while updating their parser grammar, they now behave
more precisely like shell_exec(), in that `cmd` (constant string) or `$cmd`
(one variable) won't use INIT_STRING and create a temporary variable...

Oh, almost forgot a couple things -- for HEAD: updated the yyless()
definition to match 5_3 (Nuno didn't get to it yet...), and moved
HANDLE_NEWLINES() so nowdoc text is copied first, otherwise the line number
would be off if there's an error in zend_copy_scanner_string.  For 5_3:
there are NOWDOC references in tokenizer_data.c that the patch doesn't
remove, as I think it's supposed to be automated, though they're missing in



P.S. (for Marcus?), the ({LABEL}|([']{LABEL}['])|(["]{LABEL}["])) part of
the heredoc rule crashed re2c (Windows) until I added the extra ( ), which
shouldn't be needed AFAIK and was fine with just 2 alternate matches...

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