
I'd like to nudge the discussion back to issues with the resolution rules that we're discovering :) The actual char(s) used can only be mildly annoying to some (at worst), compared.

Can we please agree on those (or explain why you'd not):

1) functions, constants and classes should use the same resolution rules. Making special cases just for some of them, or just for user or just internal ones will lead to confusion. 2) can someone please explain why is it useful to override internal function inside a namespace. Isn't it better to explicitly refer to global functions as global, which would allow compile-time resolution in a lot more cases than now.

I said before, it looks like the current situation where you can define globally a PHP-only clone of a missing binary/internal features is a far more predictable behaviour, and people use it a *lot* right now. Do we really want to break this in 5.3?

Stan Vassilev

is it too late to scrap all this and go with Java/AS3 style
base.package.class please?


Not saying that it is a good thing to do that but it is not too late
to change things.


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