Hi Edward,

As I a PHP developer on Windows, I pay very close attention to
development work on PHP and regularly test my code against PHP 5.3,
hand-built from the CVS. Nearly all of the PECL extensions are broken on
Windows for PHP 6. The http extension has a very nasty problem: its
fatal error appears to loop nearly ad infinitum. This makes compiling
snaps locally very difficult--I've given up. Why is the log file 4.4 MB

Because nobody's been trying to compile snaps against PHP 6? Basically most extension developers decided to stay with 5_3 for now and haven't migrated their code to work with Unicode on. I would hope, though, that if PHP 6 is Unicode-only there might be more enthusiasm for adapting code to work with it.

Also, as stands it appears most non-trivial applications are fairly
broken. Those issues need to be resolved first, before we toss Unicode
onto the pile.

I think the test script and ZE problems should be resolved first... plus I just discovered that my php.ini isn't being found when I run commandline tests (e.g. php -r "var_dump(strcasecmp());" doesn't throw an error unless I explicitly set error_reporting from the commandline, despite having E_ALL|E_STRICT in the INI). These are basic things, nobody can really go much further until they're fixed.

So I agree with you - it's far too soon for apps testing at this stage.

- Steph

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