Hey Andrei,

UG(unicode) checks are still secondary I think - they don't prevent us from doing tests and moving forward, although cleaning them up would be nice.

Cleaning them up would make it possible to find and fix the bugs we already know are there ;) There don't seem to be too many, but when it comes to tracking down conversions... bleh...

pack() should take binary strings only, methinks.

It does - 'UG(ascii_conv)' - but sometimes there's a unicode-to-binary conversion warning thrown by that, and then you have to cast the variable to a binary empty string to suppress the warning before you assign the pack() result to it. (See ext/phar/tests/phar_test.inc.) There are similar issues with unpack(), and with fwrite()/fread() and friends when dealing with a purely binary string.

What concerns me at this point is that we could and should be telling PHP users how to future-proof their code during the move from PHP 4 to PHP 5. If we can get a fix on that now and get word out, we'll have made their future migration path *much* smoother.

- Steph

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