On 24.06.2008, at 16:21, Stefan Esser wrote:

If PHP 5.3 drops this feature it might close some multibyte security
problems. However this also means that all those
Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Taiwanese/... multibyte scripts will not run
anymore. This forces systems to stay on PHP 5.2 which will most probably
don't get security updates once PHP 5.3 is out of the door.

And if they then still do not file bug reports, then there is nothing we can do to help. Or maybe someone needs to write a script that looks for those servers on google and tries to send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. are there no PHP UGs, PHP conferences, mailing lists or whatever in Japan? Isnt there a big translation team active on the Japanese documentation? Anyways, I do not know these guys and this topic has been lingering in "myth" stage for months now.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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