I find it interesting that we could quite possibly get just as many clashes
with namespaced code.
Of course it comes down to how well the developer implements there code.
It's almost like namespace is just a method of aliasing long class names.

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 24.06.2008, at 16:52, Derick Rethans wrote:
>  On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Alexey Zakhlestin wrote:
>>  On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Derick Rethans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Gregory Beaver wrote:
>>>>  The user is obviously intentionally creating a "DateTime" class, and
>>>>> doesn't care about the internal classname in this script.
>>>>> The attached patch against PHP_5_3 would fix the issue by eliminating
>>>>> the check for conflict with CG(class_table) in the global namespace for
>>>>> internal classes.  It however preserves this check for userspace
>>>>> classes
>>>>> so that (for instance) php-src/tests/Zend/ns_030.phpt does not fail.
>>>>> The basic idea is that we do have control over the userspace classes we
>>>>> include, but have no control over the internal classes.
>>>> I am not so sure this is a good idea. I mean, for the developer that
>>>> writes the code it's obvious that his version of DateTime is used. But
>>>> for a second developer to come back later this could be a great WTF
>>>> factor a few years down the road - wondering why the DateTime
>>>> documentation on php.net doesn't match with what the class does.
>>> it won't be a serious 'wtf', as on the top of the file, there would be
>>> some kind of
>>> use MySuperLibrary::DateTime;
>> I know, but 400 lines down in the code you can't really see that. This
>> addition might fix the immediate issue - but it doesn't make life easier
>> for the developers that have to maintain the code. Even less if they're
>> not aware that stuff is namespaced.
> I think this is the name of the game. If you want namespace magic, then you
> have to live with it. I am sure that editors and IDE's can easily be
> extended the provide some assistance here. But it does of course means that
> when people share code, they can no longer rely that some namespace kung-fu
> will not break seemingly innocent code.
> As such I am +1 for Greg's change.
> regards,
> Lukas Kahwe Smith
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