On 02.07.2008, at 13:41, Christian Seiler wrote:

I've spoken to Dmitry and he said the patch will be committed to HEAD
soon. Since both Dmitry and I still want to have it in 5_3 too, we'd
want to ask for opinions on this again - especially since after quite a
lot of thorough review and discussion on this list basically all the
side-effects have been addressed and there are now quite a few tests
that ensure the correct behaviour of closures. Also, the patch is now
built in a way that the main functionality remains inside
zend_closures.c, so any possible not yet encountered bug can be fixed
without breaking binary compability.

I talked to Johannes about this. It does indeed seem like this feature is in a very solid stage at this point. However the current version of the patch is still young. Also we already have such an insanely long list of new big features, that anything that will take even the slightest focus away on getting this long list rock solid will have to wait until 5.4. Even the most rock solid proposal is bound to have some small issues after all.

So as things look atm, closures will have to wait until then. But cool features like closures, traits etc will undoubtedly increase the incentive to get working quickly on 5.4 and this can happen as soon as we have 5.3 out the door and working well for our user base.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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