On 03.07.2008, at 10:34, Dmitry Stogov wrote:

Absolutely agree.

I don't see any reason for 5.4. We don't plan any significant new features.

You guys are scaring me ..
I was hoping to evade such discussions. PHP 5.3 is probably the minor version release with the most major changes ever. Mostly because we waited too long to go into release mode. PHP 6 has of course lingered even longer and it really really needs to get out the door ASAP. Now what I would propose is that we go into release mode on PHP 6 as well. Due to the nature of it being a major version bump it will naturally take longer to get completed. Depending on how quickly we move with PHP 5.3, we will then either release a PHP 5.4 with all of the open items before PHP 6 or more or less at the same time.

But if we put the burden of being the last planned PHP 5 release onto 5.3, we will have huge issues getting it out the door. So please let us keep 5.4 on the table, but at the same time do everything we can to get PHP 6 onto some sort of "release schedule".

I have emailed Andrei about this offlist when I saw Derick's email. But I just wanted to send this email as a sort of damage control :)

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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