Evan Priestley escreveu:
This was floated in 2003 but had weak advocation and didn't seem to come to a decisive resolution:


Basically, the proposal is to modify the grammar to allow trailing commas in function and method calls, so this becomes a parseable PHP construct:

    f(1, 2, 3,);

This patch applies only to function and method calls; it does not apply to function or method definitions. It also does not allow the degenerative case of "f(,)".

The real value of relaxing this rule is in nontrivial cases that span across multiple lines: sprintf(
        'long example pattern with %d conversions: %s',

You could just do this:

    'long example pattern with %d conversions: %s'

I really don't see a great benefit here, and as you pointed out it would make code written with trailing commas incompatible with previous versions of PHP.

Rodrigo Saboya

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