On 27.07.2008, at 02:58, Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello Internals,

apparently overloaded objects do not need to implement property access and we issue an E_NOTICE in case someone tries to none-the-less. Dmirty thankfully made this consistent for all handlers now. However this raised a question on my side, whether we should increase the severity to E_WARNING or even better E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. To me the latter choice makes the most
sense as trying to is most likely a severe issue in the software. For
example someone create a database abstraction and then for a new db that
has a C level implementation that allows to use the classes directly,
probably a third party implementation, the properties are not implemneted.
Since the tests were done using the other one errors due to property
handling are probably noticed too late. And in the described situation
anyway are clear errors rather than notices. And I cannot figure an example
where it wouldn't be the case.

You know I am generally wary of using error levels that are higher than necessary just to beat people with a stick that they are coding themselves into a corner. This is what we have E_STRICT for and people that want to do the right thing can use an error handler to make sure they change their code to do the right thing.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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