
So I'd say, make it explicit and remove the vague moment.

Do I understand right that you advocate having to use ::Exception each time you need the internal class?

As I said:

"I heard lots of objections how ugly it is to prepend everything with "::" (not
that this is the only possibly syntax), but it increasingly is becoming
apparent that the automatic resolution is bound to have either bug-prone or
performance issues, so why introduce a "trap" in the language that people
will continuosly fall into?"

In other words: everyone is saying that "for those of us who need performance or avoid resolution problems, can use ::, and the rest..." --> who are those the rest, which don't care about performance and resolution problems?

What is YOUR suggestion? Just tell us how hilarious it is to type "::" and introduce all the other problems anyway.

Furthermore, the "::" (or rather I'd make it "php::") would only be required in a namespace. For the procedural folks which don't put code in a namespace, they're already implicitly in "php::" so they can continue writing things exactly like thay do now.

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