Arvids Godjuks a écrit :

Of course that isn't a good example, because Zend framework always has a
class prefix "Zend", but they surely can use a namespace and remove that
Zend in front of classes.

They are a lot of case where you want to use this syntax. The most common is when you have a depth namespace like a russian puppy :

namespace org::w3::xhtml::strict as x ;

The other reason is to use it for testing purposes, when you develop a new engine, that share the same API with the previous :

// namespace org::w3::xml as xml ;
namespace com::lupusmic::xml as xml ;

  But maybe it isn't a good use... :D

Namespaces can be a usefull tool, but if wouldn't, don't use. And if it becomes mandatory, fork your own PHP version :D

Mickaël Wolff aka Lupus Michaelis

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