
Is there something I need to do in snaps code?
BTW... if you want me to directly update source (and get it), I think
I'll need karma for that... I know I have for PHPWEB.

I'll be in São Paulo on CONISLI this weekend, but I can definately do
something beginning next week.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Lukas Kahwe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17.10.2008, at 12:28, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Pierre Joye wrote:
>>>> From now on I will simply stop to read any post from you as long as
>>> there is uppercase words in it. It is annoying, respectless and does
>>> not make your point any better.
>> I make no apologies for formatting text as I see fit. It would have been
>> very useful if you had simply corrected Ilia's post at the time. I do
> Well Pierre is not alone and the other day I was about to write something
> similar. So add me to the list of people that will ignore you if you insist
> on this formatting. Its just a question of accepting the way people talk to
> each other on this list. If you absolutely need to highlight, then others
> have used an underscore in front and at the end of the words they wanted to
> emphasize, but even that is rarely used. Somehow others seem to get by with
> just English without having to emphasize words in their sentences. Accept
> this or accept that your emails will go to /dev/null. Your choice.
> regards,
> Lukas Kahwe Smith
> --
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Guilherme Blanco - Web Developer
CBC - Certified Bindows Consultant
Cell Phone: +55 (16) 9166-6902
URL: http://blog.bisna.com
Rio de Janeiro - RJ/Brazil

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