>> shift+;(x3) vs \

Ok I'll try to make a very neutral comment. For the moment most are
still using an english keyboard (no matter which english in this case
and I'd actually be interested in knowing numbers for a fact if
anyone's got something) and ergonomically speaking, ::: is much easier
to type than \ for those who actually learned to type with the adsf
jkl; keyboard. When you learn typing you usually learn to type using
the left-hand side shift key for "most" of the letters/words, for
instance typing : doesn't require a movement of the right hand since
your pinky is already on the ; key whereas the \ key requires a
"not-so-used" movement of the hand.

Anyways, I was just saying that without considering the question
because I absolutely don't feel like redicussing this over and over.
We have had a massive list fight over 3-4 years ago about it and I'm
not getting into this one.


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