On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:24 PM, shire wrote:

It sounds like this would only work if the array contents where static though, as you're mapping a constant string to the contents of the hash (or did I misunderstand and you'd be mapping string const. values to hash IDs?).
My point is, replacing this process:
$a['foo'] or $a->foo -> compute hash of 'foo' -> find item for hash 'foo' -> many items? -> resolve conflict -> return item
With this process:
$a[% string_literal_id_5 %] -> lookup item key 5 for array -> return item Notice we skipped hash generation, and conflict resolution altogether. We only have the lookup for the integer id. If some additional work is done, even this lookup can be eliminated and make this an O(1) process.
If instead the coder used variable:
$a[$bar] or $a->$foo (var array lookup and var var object lookup), then this optimization can't kick in, and the existing algorithm will be used. However "static" access is the predominant usage, especially for objects, but also for arrays, so this should have significant impact.

Thanks for the clarification, this is pretty much the same idea as what I've been interested in working on next. I think I was more inclined to store an extra hash value within the zvals themselves, with the hope that this could be expanded to non-constant values. I believe ruby implements it's lookups this way (noted just for reference, not as an argument to copy another language ;-) ). Any thoughts on reasons not to do this (other than increasing the size of zval struct), it's pretty simple to implement this for static values I believe, dynamic values are a lot more difficult obviously...

Since nobody else has chimed in with the obvious (to me, anyways):

I've worked with some code that uses disgustingly huge (>512Mb) arrays, largest implementation was a single 2.5 Gb array (before we took the offending programmer into a room and had a... chat).

I'd be interested in seeing some metrics on the needed extra CPU ticks for determining if an array (or array sub-element) is static or dynamic under the scheme, as well as the extra memory for storing an (many?) extra value(s). It sounds like it might be totally livable, if done right... done wrong, we could be looking at millions of CPU hits for checking millions of single element static arrays.... (and yes, storing millions of values as single element arrays is "doing it wrong", but I've learned not to underestimate the creativity of people who write software).

Oh, and while we're at it, what about "re-assigning" "static" arrays?

The idea sounds good, the corner-cases on mis-implementations are where it always becomes amusing.


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