I have downloaded last Mono source code (http://www.mono-project.com/, version 2.0.1), the open source version of one of the most complex and mature framework in the world, the .NET framework.

Framework is written using namespaces (as opposite to current version of Zend). And I have analysed source codes. The results are:

Directory /mcs/class/
Files: 11500
Namespace: 529
Class extends from "more inner" class: 4
Function accepting as arguments "more inner" classes: 0
Count of using clauses:
- nested: 1031
- non-nested: 34673 (34 times more!)

If you agree, that 34673 > 1031, please revert namespace behaviour back to alpha2. The 34times more developers will thank you ;)


p.s. if you'd like, I send you source code of analyzer.

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