PHP 6 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status     Summary (69 total -- which includes 31 feature requests)
===============================================[*General Issues]==============
26771 Suspended  register_tick_funtions crash under threaded webservers
===============================================[*Unicode Issues]==============
46634 Open       Array key differentiates between unicode and binary strings
===============================================[Apache2 related]==============
44083 Open       virtual() not outputting results if zlib.output_compression = 
===============================================[Arrays related]===============
35277 Suspended  incorrect recursion detection
41758 Assigned   SORT_LOCALE_STRING broken for sort() in PHP6
43109 Open       array_intersect() emits unexpected no of notices when 2d array 
is passed as arg
===============================================[Class/Object related]=========
41461 Assigned   E_STRICT notice when overriding methods not defined by an 
Interface in hierarchy
===============================================[COM related]==================
45836 Open       cannot use com 
===============================================[Compile Failure]==============
42606 Open       unicode/constants.c relies on ICU draft api
44502 Suspended  Compiling ok with MySQL 5.0
===============================================[Filesystem function related]==
42110 Open       fgetcsv doesn't handle ""\n correctly in multiline csv record
44034 Open       FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES in FILE does not work as expected when 
lines end in \r\n
46687 Open       pathinfo() returns unicode strings on Linux and non unicode 
strings on Windows
46688 Open       Return values differ from 5.3 and are also inconsistent
46689 Open       Downcoded notices suggest unfinished code in file system?
===============================================[GD related]===================
34670 Assigned   imageTTFText for Indian scripts (Devanagari)
34992 Assigned   imageconvolution does not respect alpha
===============================================[I18N and L10N related]========
42471 Open       locale_set_default returns true on invalid locales
===============================================[mbstring related]=============
44868 Open       Replaces UTF-8 symbol with incorrect symbol
===============================================[MySQL related]================
44076 Open       mysql_result returns nothing with blob
45246 Open       make error after ./configure --with-mysql
===============================================[ODBC related]=================
39756 Open       Crashes in fetching resultsets with LONG ASCII columns from 
===============================================[OpenSSL related]==============
25614 Suspended  openssl_pkey_get_public() fails when given a private key
===============================================[PDO related]==================
35368 Suspended  PDO query does not work properly with serialize
===============================================[Performance problem]==========
42528 Open       Out of "char"(8-bit) range value doesn't roll back, with 
uni-code ON.
===============================================[Program Execution]============
39992 Open       proc_terminate() leaves children of child running
43784 Assigned   escapeshellarg removes % from given string
===============================================[Regexps related]==============
44923 Open       ereg functions are not unicode aware: provide wrapper 
functions in PCRE
===============================================[Reproducible crash]===========
45107 Open       setting ext_dir to "./" (and other ini settings) causes apache 
===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]=====
42194 Open       $argc/$argv[] won't work when .php extension is assigned to 
===============================================[Session related]==============
44860 Open       session_encode() fails for php_binary serializer
===============================================[SPL related]==================
46646 Assigned   serialize/unserialize og splfileinfo segfaults
46647 Assigned   SplFileObject->fgetcsv() segfaults when passing 0 as argument
===============================================[Strings related]==============
45566 Open       Strict comparision on $_SERVER values fail
===============================================[Unicode Engine related]=======
45087 Open       Illegal or truncated character in input
===============================================[URL related]==================
45602 Open       urlencode/urldecode should use ASCII encoding
===============================================[XSLT related]=================
38218 Assigned   php:functionString tries to access objects with their names in 
===============================================[Zlib Related]=================
30153 Suspended  FATAL erealloc() error when using gzinflate()

Assigned bugs and feature requests (reminders sent):
andrei          41758: SORT_LOCALE_STRING broken for sort() in PHP6
helly           41461: E_STRICT notice when overriding methods not defined by 
an Interface in hierarchy
dmitry          33487: Memory allocated for objects created in object methods 
is not released
pajoye          34670: imageTTFText for Indian scripts (Devanagari)
pajoye          34992: imageconvolution does not respect alpha
scottmac                43784: escapeshellarg removes % from given string
colder          46646: serialize/unserialize og splfileinfo segfaults
colder          46647: SplFileObject->fgetcsv() segfaults when passing 0 as 
tony2001                38218: php:functionString tries to access objects with 
their names in lowercase

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