> For reference I saw people use json_encode() to pass a string to
> javascript into their page while avoiding bugs/XSS with stuff like
> </script>.
> var foo = <?=json_encode($my_string)?>;
> ... (yes, they maybe heared somewhere that JSON is *not* javascript, I
> told 'em too).

This is not correct. JSON *is* valid JavaScript, but the other way round is
not correct. Not every Javascript is JSON. So it is perfectly legal, to do

I think, this is really cool, using json_encode() as something like
"htmlspecialchars" for correctly encoding strings inside JS for security. I
use it, too.

To the problem with basic types: I like the way of maybe giving a option to
the function. If you want to be standards conformant, you have to remove the
encoding parameter (which is also there), too. JSON has to be UTF-8, if you
want to be conform to the specs. But for the example above (secure encoding
of JS strings with json_encode), it is perfectly legal to use another
encoding (in the above case, the encoding of the HTML page).


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