Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
While I whole heartedly agree with the idea, I am not sure its a good thing to do in 5.2 branch. I'd like to hear more feedback on that topic before making the decision. The only mitigating factor is that it will only affect new users since upgrading the release does not modify the INI files, unless people are running without an INI file entirely relying on the built-in defaults.

On 6-Jan-09, at 10:52 AM, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

On 16.12.2006, at 19:50, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

On 12/16/06, Derick Rethans <> wrote:
On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Andi Gutmans wrote:

> Time to turn it off in php.ini-dist in addition to php.ini-recommended?

I would instead change them to php.ini-development and
php.ini-production. In development you'd want to have this stuff on..

I think its time for a vote on that. We've been talking about it long enough.

+1 !

ok warming up an old topic.
it seems most people are in agreement that the above is a good idea. (so speak up if you think its a bad idea .. otherwise it just might happen ..)

so it would be ok with us RM's if someone starts working on this ASAP .. this would essentially entail reviewing the current php.ini files we ship and giving good defaults for development and production.

ideally this should be done with the beta1 release, because i envision there will be a bit of a need for discussion (especially from the side of the end users).

Lukas Kahwe Smith

Ilia Alshanetsky

'scuse my ignorance; but having a single well documented ini file rather multiple recommended configurations seems to make sense; purely because it will encourage users to read the file and familiarise themselves with the settings rather than simply load up which one looks best, forget about it, then come looking for help when they don't understand why they can't see error messages.

I'd vote a single well documented php.ini with production defaults active. (no -dist, -recommended or suchlike)


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