First, this is not an internals question. But, I would be not many people on the general list could help you.

I wrote some daemon scripts for a web crawler in PHP. Now I spent one
day to work around the growing memory consumtion of these scripts.

I have PHP daemons running for weeks that don't use up a lot of memory. You have to be careful what you do in a PHP script. I would guess you are running Linux. Assuming you are, the linux memory system never frees allocated memory back to the OS. Not until the process dies at least. So, if any part of your code ever needs a lot of memory, that will be allocated to the process until it ends.

- Was it a mistake to use PHP for such scripts? What language should I've been
choosing instead?

Any language has its caveats. And you can waste (leak is a strong word) memory with any language.

- My suspicion is, that either pdo_mysql or dom are not freeing their
   used memory during a request. Is that possible?

Are you telling pdo to free its results? If not, that is bad programming. You have to unset vars and free db result sets yourself to ensure they are not building up. PHP uses a lazy garbage collector that is optimized for short lived web scripts. You have to overcome that when working with PHP in a non-web environment.

- I'm using now to control the script
   execution. This gave me the idea for a special kind of PHP binary
   - php-daemon is an executable that restarts a given php script in a
   - php-daemon can be combined with apc/xcache to store the bytecode
   Unfortunately I'm still to much a newbie to write this myself.

My standard way to handle scripts that need a lot of memory is to use the pcntl functions to fork children that run and do the work. They can end after a certain time or memory usage. Again, you have to make sure the main, parent script is well written and does not waste file descriptors, connections, etc.

Hmm, maybe I will write a blog post about this.


Brian Moon
Senior Web Engineer
When you care enough to spend the very least.

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