Hi All,

hoping somebody can help me here..

I need to implement an inverted __sleep method, by which I mean to specify what variables should not be included.

use case:
class base
  private $notToBeSerialized;

  public function __sleep()
    // TODO code return instance properties excluding $notToBeSerialized


class foo extends base
  private $bar;

class poo extends foo
  private $baz;

$p = new poo;
echo serialize($p);


I've tried using get_object_vars($this), and ReflectionObject($this) both of which don't include all the properties of the instance.

the only way I can see to get all the properties of the instance is to serialize($this) then parse the string, but that's just wrong and what would sleep return on the first call to serialize.

any help greatly appreciated.



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