2009/6/23 Gwynne Raskind <gwy...@darkrainfall.org>:
> On Jun 23, 2009, at 3:49 PM, Johannes Schlüter wrote:
>>> While documenting header_remove() I was experimenting a little bit..
>>> If an "empty" argument is passed to the function (empty string, null,
>>> false,..) the function doesn't do anything, as it checks for
>>> ZEND_NUM_ARGS() rather then the length of string.. thats a doc issue
>>> or bug?
>> I'd say it's ok, "remove the header with the name ''." That's what it
>> does.
> A header named '' isn't valid in HTTP 1.0 or 1.1 anyway; this is an error
> case IMO.

Also, shouldn't we return false/true when we [can't] remove the named
header? Or a int, with the number of removed items?

>>> Second, it removes even the X-Powered-By header, is that expected?
> Useful for people who don't have control over their expose_php setting...
>>> Third, it removes session and even cookie headers..
>>> Is that really expected? Just add a big fat warning on the doc page?
>> It removes all. Should be ok, too, removing the session cookie might
>> even be considered a "good" feature by some.
> Including me! ;)

Documented as a 'caution'.


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