On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 18:01 +0200, Hannes Magnusson wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 17:15, Lukas Kahwe Smith<m...@pooteeweet.org> wrote:
> > continued even today, we have decided to play it safe and move the release
> > date to next Tuesday. We will package tomorrow evening and push out the
> > release to mirrors next Monday.
> Would it be possible to inject stuff into the upgrading file during that time?
> I have a feeling that lots of stuff is missing from it.

The sooner the better as I like to run the final builds through my tests
to check if they are correct, and Pierre does the same with the Windows
builds and other hopefully do the same before officially announcing.

Best is if you keep me in the loop, I'll also follow the docs list a bit
closer (I'm subscribed but barely read it most of the time ...) I'll
also ping you before tagging to make sure I'm not missing work in


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