On Jun 25, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Joe Stump wrote:
Once we're using GitHub, what are the benefits?
For me, they are as follows:

1. Built in bug tracking and wiki.
2. Fork Queue. I can't even begin to express the awesomesauce that is the Fork Queue. Ever get a patch to your project as an attachment in a bug and be too lazy to download, apply and commit? No worries, Fork Queue lists the patches from forks of your project and allows you to apply them quickly from a web interface. 3. A byproduct of GitHub is Git. Git was built by the leader of the largest FOSS project on the planet to meet his specific needs for managing a large, distributed, FOSS coding effort. I feel Git fits in SUPER well with PEAR2's notion of having mini-groups managing each category of packages as members can push code upstream to group leaders, etc. 4. Tons and tons of community features, wizbang features, etc. that, quite frankly, we're too busy or lazy to implement ourselves.

Signing up is free so I'd sign up and play around with it if I were you. I was skeptical at first as well, but am happily chugging the kool-aid now. :)

For those of you who aren't on the svn-migration mailing list, GitHub has been investigated extensively by several people among the core PHP devs. A number of arguments were made both in favor of and against it, and no solid consensus was ever reached. At this point in time, the SVN move is about 98% complete, and despite the constant flow of Git love, we intend to go through with the SVN move as soon as possible after the release of PHP 5.3.0. As Andrei says, "the work gap between CVS and SVN is much smaller than between CVS/SVN and git".

We're switching to SVN. We may or may not investigate switching to Git sometime in the future, but that time is not now. Everyone, please see <http://news.php.net/php.internals/44411> for more info on what you can do to help with the move and what you'll need to do to be ready for it.

-- Gwynne

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