On Jul 26, 2009, at 5:17 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
We have talked about this before, and the conclusion was that if we are
going to have an invalid PI, we might as well make it <?= since it is
just as invalid as <?php= and just as easy to parse. Now you save 8 chars.

I prefer strong namespacing of all my tags. "<?" and "<?=" are highly generic and could be usurped by any other (admittedly finctional so far) processing system run on the file.

As I said, it was just for the heck of it :). I know no one's likely to find it interesting.

I did toy with the idea of something that was actually compliant, but:

<?php.       - is not visually distinctive
<?php-       - same
<?php.e      - saves very little typing and is ugly
<?phpe       - mucks with the entire idea of being namespaced
<?php e      - visually confusing and saves little typing

And so forth.

Gwynne Raskind wrote:
For the sake of the heck of it, I'm gonna offer up this tiny patch I'm using in one of my projects. I don't really care if it gets included in
anything or not, just thought it might interest someone.

Effect: Adds a "<?php=" syntax which behaves identically to "<?=", but
works without the use of short_tags.
Caveat: The formation "<?php=" is not valid XML. Specifically, section
2.6 of [1] defines a PITarget as a Name, which in turn is made up of
NameChars (section 2.3), which do not include the "=" character.
Advantage: Saves five characters of typing. "<?php= $myvar ?>" versus
"<?php echo $myvar; ?>".

Just thought I'd throw it out there.

Index: Zend/zend_language_scanner.l
--- Zend/zend_language_scanner.l    (revision 286353)
+++ Zend/zend_language_scanner.l    (working copy)
@@ -1537,6 +1588,15 @@

+<INITIAL>"<?php=" {
+    zendlval->value.str.val = yytext; /* no copying - intentional */
+    zendlval->value.str.len = yyleng;
+    zendlval->type = IS_STRING;
+    return T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO;
<INITIAL>"<?php"([ \t]|{NEWLINE}) {
    zendlval->value.str.val = yytext; /* no copying - intentional */
    zendlval->value.str.len = yyleng;

[1] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Fifth Edition,

-- Gwynne

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