On 08/25/2009 12:42 AM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

Quite boring to read this thread where two persons argue about
something abstract. Stas, can you give a real life example where your
patch is necessary..?

Any code where you either use @ or error_reporting which is not -1 would
benefit from it by not processing errors that go nowhere. I just looked
at Zend Framework - with is pretty clean with regard to
E_NOTICE/E_STRICT problems - and @ is used in dozens of classes around.
The speedup would be probably not very big for whole RL application, but
it's a 10-line patch, and little things help too.

Just wondering why nobody hasn't suggested the obvious (?) alternative yet: Why not fix error_reporting to work like one expects. As in: If an error level isn't in it, then nothing happens. Adding an extra option to do that seems a bit overkill..


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