
> I might find some time to look at it shortly. Not sure using "errmsg" is
> appropriate though, as notices are usually returning additional
> information, not error messages.

I think i'll have to make a "noticemsg" var, but I don't
know how implement a new "noticeInfo" (or somethink like
that) function to get this value. The better way is to
create a new array "notices" (or a function which returns an
array) into the PDOStatement, because the notice is
generally linked to the statement. But, sometimes not...

> Please allow some time for me to check how they are currently dealt with
>  in the pgsql extension and to see how they can be implemented in the
> PDO driver.

Actually, the PosgreSQL driver for PDO don't report
notices.. The content of "_pdo_pgsql_notice" is commented !

Thanks a lot for the time you passed/you'll pass !

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