On 15.12.2009, at 20:01, Christian Seiler wrote:

> Hello again,
>> Discuss away!
> I'm a little disappointed by the non-outcome of this debate. Very few
> people have responded and most of them seem to agree proposal (A) should
> be implemented, perhaps with the additional bind/bindTo as in my
> proposal and perhaps not.
> The problem here is: (A) was exactly the thing that was implemented and
> that people started to have a problem with as soon as the first or
> second beta of PHP 5.3 was released. And because the feedback came in so
> late, Lukas & Johannes decided to remove $this support from closures for
> PHP 5.3 in order to be able to decide that later on.
> So basically we're at the same point where we were a little more year
> ago: There's an RFC for this (the semantics of $this support were
> discussed in the original closures RFC!) and the people who read it on
> internals@ support it. However, I predict that if we implement exactly
> the semantics that the RFC proposes, we will get into the same
> discussion we had with PHP 5.3 just before the release of PHP 6... (or
> 5.4 should there be one).
> So: What now?

Call for a vote. This time around people cannot claim to not have had time to 
review the issue. Also back then we tried to play it safe because of the short 
time before we were to release. This time there is more time for this to mature 
if needed inside svn.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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